Jamu in Modern Frame

Who does not know about jamu? While hearing the word of ‘jamu’, in some people impression it might sounds countrified, bitter, and old. Even though, if we looked up behind the history, jamu is pure from our ancestor. But actually, it is correct about jamu that it has a lot of peculiar qualities inside of it. Also, the existence of jamu’s industry in Indonesia can help agriculture sector and trade sector.


So that, this kind of condition smartly used by some young generations to create jamu’s industry in form of unique innovation and far from impression of countrified, bitter, and old but it still has a lot of peculiar qualities.

Not many people knowing that jamu has a new packaging which is different from the old impressions, such as: jamu gendong or jamu that sold in the side of the road. The existence of café jamu, Suwe Ora Jamu, really changes everything about the old impression of jamu. This is the new innovation by branding something which has already existed by packing in accordance with the needs of today’s modern people. Also, this becomes the great first step for jamu businessman. Because jamu can touch all circle of people.


This newest innovation is very profitable for jamu producer. In Ubud, Bali, there is also the new innovation from jamu. The owner of Secret Gelato created this kind of new innovation, that is ice cream jamu. The owner deliberate make ice cream with jamu taste because he wants to introduce jamu to abroad people. He also got the great responses from consumers, both Indonesia and abroad people.

By offering customer experience that is interesting and unique like this, it will not make consumer hesitant to consuming jamu. Well, let’s explore Indonesia culture wealth in order to make it as a business chance just like those successful businessmen before!


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