Halal is not Only About Food


There are some rules in Islam, one of it is to halal the good things and to haram the bad things. Industry of halal has developed in some countries, such as: Malaysia, Turkey, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, even into several countries in Europe. This is happening with any reasons. One reason is because halal product habitually is a good product for healthiness, include food and beverages. In Indonesia, there is an increasing of halal products as many as the consuming of halal products by consumers.  Even, there is a halal certificate from MUI (Majelis Ulama Indonesia) for stating the halal products from a certain brand or company.

Kementrian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) stated that people in nowadays have a concern towards products with halal label. They also stated that for this time, the process to introduce the halal products has been correct and it obviously will get the positive responds from society. They hoped that Indonesia will be the pioneer of cosmetic products with the halal label in each product that will be produced. Kemenprin also identified that the halal industry sector is not only about halal food, but also other products and services. In their opinion, the halal product is the product which can give the good benefit in health.

There are some product variants which it add the ‘halal’ label in each product, include food products, cosmetic products, services, and other. Nowadays, there are several halal products that we often see. Moreover, non-muslim people also interest to buy or used halal products. This statement is similar with Syarif’s statement, “Even, companies of food products in Indo China (such as: Laos, Vietnam, Kamboja), Australia until United States watched this halal issue as a good business chance to be developed.” Based on Kemenprin calculation, the demand of halal food products in the world will increase as 6,9% in next six years, it is 1,1 billion USD in 2013 to be 1,6 billion USD in 2018.

Whereas, in cosmetic products, there are many cosmetic products with halal label in its packages, such as: Sariayu, Garnier, RDL (Papaya and Bengkoang series), Khalisa Lipcare, Zoya Cosmetic, Purbasari, Fanbo, Rivera, Marck’s Venus, Wardah, and many more. Even though there are many cosmetic products with halal label in its packages, but then there are only several brands who dare to admit as the halal cosmetic producer. Wardah is one cosmetic brand as the first mover to introduced their cosmetic products with halal label in Indonesia. Several branding processes has passed by Wardah using brand ambassador who describes the moslem image, interesting visual, and conveying the consistent meaning that they are only producing the halal cosmetic products. This hard effort started present the sweet result because of Indonesian people has a positioning about Wardah as the company with value of halal cosmetic products.


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