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The Existence of Branding as an Attractiveness and Prestige

Branding strategy becomes the most important element in any kinds of businesses, both huge and small businesses. The existence of branding and its strategies literally become the great steps to catch even to do the good communication with the consumers. One of branding strategies that oftentimes do by brands’ owners since years ago until now is naming the brand with foreign language, (i.e. English). Indonesia people that habitually adore foreign brands rather than local brands precisely make brands’ owners in Indonesia finding the great strategy to catch consumers’ attention to their brands, that is naming their brands by using foreign language, English. Brands’ owners do this because they want to make the consumers expect that their brands with foreign names are foreign brands (though it is not). So that, it can increase the sale of their local brands which those brands are expected by people as foreign brands.

Just like coffee shop, Excelso. This coffee shop which was initially expected is owned by foreign company but actually it is owned by Indonesia Company, that is PT Excelso Multi Rasa (EMR) (it belongs to Kapal Api group of company). The name of Excelso (abbreviation from Excellent and So, then it is switching to Excelso) deliberately chosen by the company to appearing the international image to this brand. By using English in brand name and the names in the list of menu (foods and beverages), it directly makes consumers expect that this brand of coffee shop is a part of foreign brands.

Besides, the concept of the coffee shop that deliberately made as international image with target consumers for the middle class to the top becomes the right branding strategy that is used by the company to catch the consumers’ attention to this brand. Though using English as the name of brand and the names in the list of menu, in fact all of Excelso ingredients are purely from Indonesia. So that, it makes the cheaper prices for each menu in this coffee shop which it also becomes more affordable for Indonesian people rather than any other foreign coffee shop, such as: Starbucks. The exclusive taste of coffee that Excelso offered has been adjusted to Indonesian taste. That is why then Excelso brand becomes brand with international quality and exclusive taste of Indonesia which is now increasingly popular in Indonesia people.