Start Friday Asia Brand consultant

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Branding Agency Indonesia

Branding is a way to sell a product, be it a physical product or even service. It’s even believed as an inseparable part of marketing. How to sell a product? The answer is not through marketing but branding. Why is branding able to sell a product? Shortly it’s because branding can influence consumer’s perception. Branding has been adapted long time ago in western. There are countless western branding agencies which stand still until now when they were established around 90s. In eastern countries the use of branding has been adapted. While Indonesia is still on the progress of branding introduction. It’s not rare to see Indonesian oblivious of branding agency Indonesia.

According to Design Today, the concept of branding was essentially to depict ownership, in particular things which had value. It started from “this belongs to me, so leave it..” to “this was made by me, so buy it” started to evolve in the 1800s.

Long story short, the history of branding began from the effect of communication invention back in 1890s. People were able to reach things not within their reach. Branding evolved to be something more than a product. In 1960s many brands started to become more apparent. Brands played on word and used stereotypes in their branding. Even up till now, it’s still used in modern branding. The difference though, modern branding engages customer directly and showing who and why they are exist to attract them.

Start Friday as a branding agency Indonesia always engages the market continuously to understand what a brand needs for enhancing the relation with its customer.